آوان پلاست

28 oil door press

درب پرسي ٢٨ روغني
درب پریفرم
پریفرم دهانه 24
پریفرم دهانه 24
درب پرسي ٢٨ روغني
درب پریفرم
پریفرم دهانه 24
پریفرم دهانه 24

28 oil door press

id :908052

Avan Plast Company is a manufacturer of all types of preforms. Preforms are one of the most basic materials for choosing polyethylene bottles. Because bottles are made by blowing plastic injection method. In this method, air pressure is used in two stages. The first stage is pre-hit and the second stage is pre-below. In the second stage, the bottle is formed in its final and precise form by apply

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  • 24 mm

  • Avan Plast is a manufacturer of preforms

    Preforms are made to produce bottles that have different mouths.

    Product Specifications :

    Mouth: 24

    Material: polyethylene

    For use: Bottle production

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