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Bottle lighter lid

Golden lighter bottle cap 24

Golden lighter bottle cap 24 Golden lighter bottle cap is a product from the category of bottle and gallon detergent lid, which is used on all types of shampoo and dishwashing liquid bottles that have a diameter of 24 openings. Placed.

New design lighter bottle cap 28

New design lighter bottle cap 28 Another product that is produced by Avan Plast and is in the category of bottle and bottle detergent cap is a lighter bottle cap with a new design in golden color and with an opening size of 28. And dishwashing liquid.

Lighter Bottle cap 28mm

Lighter Bottle cap 28mm

Shampoo lighter

For brands and factories, customer experience is always one of the basic pillars for the production and improvement of their goods and services. This experience is also very important in the packaging of goods. Therefore, items such as design, material, coating and ease of use are considered. One of the most important factors in choosing any product is its packaging and lid, which is important for the customer to use the product easily and properly store the materials inside the package, what is the role of the bottle cap. Is the packaging of products (liquids) and their variety has caused the attention of factories. In the following, we will introduce one of them, namely the shampoo lid of the 28-opening lighter design.

There are different types of product doors, one of which is the lighter door. Shampoo Door Lighter Doors is one of the new designs that designers have put a lot of time and attention into it to make the dishes easier to use. So that just by pressing a finger on it, the door opens or closes. That different brands, whether Iranian or foreign, use this type. These lighter caps are widely used on shampoos. These doors act as a lighter or can be likened to a swing. The simple side is pressed and the other side of the door comes up and the shampoo comes out.

Lighter door has different diameters according to the volume and size of the product 28 and in addition to the diameter of the door, the material of the door is very important, which is made of polyethylene and polypropylene.
One of the advantages of using these doors is that the shampoo can be easily removed and the amount of shampoo can be easily controlled.